Come down to Kula and search around Duffus Castle for the hidden pumpkins. Buy your tickets for the Pumpkin Trail at Kula Coffee Hut and receive a copy of the trail and a small wooden gift once you are finished.
Fun for all the family.
Sat 26 and Sun 27 October
Help raise funds for our Charity of the Year Outfit Moray
Tickets £4/child from Kula on the day (no need to pre-book)
Small pumpkin themed gift on completion of trail
It is the end of the harvest and we are marking it with a Pumpkin Trail. Pumpkins have a historical presence in Scotland. They were introduced in the 18th century however did not become widely cultivated until the 19th century. Historically, other root vegetables like turnips and swedes were used for lanterns. These are much more tricky to carve and often result is more injuries! The bright orange colour of pumpkins make them a fitting symbol for both the harvest season and the festive spirit of Halloween.
The harvest season is a vibrant and crucial time of year here in Moray. The area’s fertile soils and relatively mild climate contribute to the successful cultivation of a range of crops, including barley, wheat, and potatoes. Local farms, some of which have been passed down through generations, come alive with activity as the harvest begins. Moray is particularly known for its malting barley, essential for the renowned whisky production that is integral to Moray’s identity.
Take some time to come and celebrate the season with your family at Kula Coffee Hut and the Pumpkin Trail around Duffus Castle. With the wide open skies of Moray and the rolling fields around Duffus Castle you can enjoy being outside with a hot drink and a fancy piece, making memories and sharing the fun together.
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